Friday, May 27, 2011

Check your exported PDF!

Just a word of warning, I’d been creating PDFs from my Word document to send to CreateSpace. If you don’t already know, CreateSpace is a print on demand service that was bought a while ago by Amazon.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Checking your work: Validation

Unfortunately there are a lot of pitfalls on the road to creating an EPUB and some of those pitfalls are not very obvious, thus the need to check your work with with a validator. EPubCheck is the best way to see if an EPUB is valid (although Sigil has a built-in validator, it can miss things that EPubCheck will find).

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Checking your work: Kindle Previewer for Mac and PC

One of the major difficulties about creating books for ereaders is that you probably can’t afford to buy a Kindle, a Nook, a Sony, an iPhone and an iPad. You might have one of these, but probably not all. So it’s very nice that Amazon offers Kindle Previewer for Mac and PC.